Chukhu Topu: The man who can transform into animal.

The supernatural human being of Arunachal Pradesh.

Half human half animal
Image used for Illustration only.

(It is not fully narrated and may not be near to the truth but just a glance or a brief story only. Otherwise his stories and tales about him is huge and numerous).

Have you ever heard the name of CHUKHU TOPU, the most famous and legendary Therianthropist- one who  has the ability to metamorphose into other animals by means of shapeshifting?

He was very famous and popularly known to have lived both in the underworld realms-devil or evil or supernatural world as well as in the human physically world.

Chukhu Topu’ Real Image

It is narrated that he could transform himself as tiger, wild pig/hog and any animal forms. While he was in his shapeshifting like in the form of wild hog, tiger and sneak into villagers paddy field he was killed many times with the aconites (very poisonous materials used in th arrows for spot sure killing).

It is told that his wives and children came to his human house in the form of pythons etc

It sounds funny and incredible. But he lived with those famous mysterious tales and stories.

Chukhu Topu was a very infamous shapeshifter or Therianthropist- some use to call him Gwnbo Topu, Ganriang Topu, Ganyi Topu, Konyi Topu etc. He was known as notorious transformer or Therianthropist but with while in the estate of human spirit.

The mysterious life of Late Chukhu Topu started with a story of hunting in a jungle. While chasing after a wounded deer for so long in the deep jungle, he came across a natural lake where he coincidentally saw a snake caugth a frog near that natural lake. Mysteryman Chukhu Topu saw that a frog was helpless and crying loudly for help as snake had bitten the frog.

Then Chukhu Topu felt pity on the frog and saved the frog from the mouth of the snake. Frog quickly jump into that natural lake.

After a while an old man came out of the water and thanked late Chukhu Topu saying “thank you for you have saved my daughter from the snake- devil”.

Later, the old man asked him to accompany him to his house which is said to be inside that natural lake. Marvelled at what the oldman was saying, Chukhu Topu asked him how would they go into that natural lake inside the water and asked how comes it is possible that a house could be inside that natural lake.

The oldman took a stick and beat the water and water in the lake opened up and he could see a house, within few second late Chukhu Topu could found himself already inside a huge Nyishi House. The old man point at a very beautiful girl saying, she is the one whom you have saved from the snake- other devil. 

Later late Chukhu Topu was asked to marry with that girl and then he lived there inside the lake years after years with that girl as his wife and had childrens too.

But the human family members of Chukhu Topu constinuously hired and engaged expert local priests every year and those local Priests used all their powers to trace out Chukhu Topu. Those local expert priests did all their level best to search Chukhu Topu but invain. Late Chukhu Topu narrated that the throwing of rice with a chanting or mantra by the local Priests which use to come in the form of rain to their house, sometimes an eagle use to fly over their house in search of Topu.

After many years finally, Chukhu Topu was released and sent back to his human family.

But when Chukhu Topu returned to his original home, all the people were amazed at Chukhu Topu and wondered how it could be possible to live so long in the jungle who was lost for many years and come back alive in fit and fine conditions.

After returned to his real home. Chukhu Topu lived with his human family but he still could contact and talk to his underworld family-wife and children from time to time. And from time to time his underworld family members use to come and visit Chukhu Topu’s physical world house but not in the human form but in the form of Pythons.

The irony of the story is that while Chukhu Topu  was living with the human world he became very notorious as he use to transform himself as tiger, wild pig etc and destroy the crops like paddy field or the other agriculture yieldings of the villagers. The villagers knew that it was Chukhu Topu who did all the damages to the crops of the villagers. And while he was damaging the crops of the villagers Chukhu Topu was killed many times but still he use to escape and returns to human form time and again and again.

This sounds incredible but it is the stories famously known and narrated in our Nyishi regions.

Finally, he died in 2007 at Chiputa area.

This brief story about Chukhu Topu may not be very correct or contradicts to others first hand accounts. But it is shared or posted just for an eye opening or thought provoking purpose only.
Others may kindly supplement or give more inputs to the story in the comment section.

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7 thoughts on “Chukhu Topu: The man who can transform into animal.

  1. His family might still be alive today. It would be good if the writer dig into this story. I don’t believe that any human can transform into an animal. We also have heard this story since childhood but never knew that he was alive till 2007. But still i am very curious to know the actual story and how this rumour came out.

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